Do you set goals for yourself at the beginning of this year? How close or far away are you from realizing or achieving these goals? So far, can you say with all certainty that you have realized at least fifty percent of the goals you set for yourself? If you have, then I doff my hat for you! But if you are like most people, then you are probably still struggling with “inertia” syndrome. Now the question is are you still struggling at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb? What factors or forces are keeping you there and how can you overcome these forces?
Align Your Goals With Your Inner Values
Foremost, you will be struggling with achieving your goals if your inner values are in disparity with what you intend to achieve. There must be a meeting point between where you are and where you want to be. Where you are must be able to take you to where you want to be.
Be Obsessed With Your Goals
How passionate are you about your goals? How often do you review them, daily, weekly or monthly? How often do you discuss or talk about your goals daily? It is the passion you have for your goal that would activate your subconscious mind which would in turn set out to ensure the realization of your goal. If you don’t believe in your goals you won’t be able to talk about it and when you don’t talk about your goal you won’t be passionate about it and when you are not passionate about it you won’t realize it.
Managing Your Time
How do you spend your most valuable resources on earth? Talking about your time. Do you spend the bulk of your time on activities that would enable you to realize your goals or are you spending it on frivolous things; those things that are not profitable? How you spend your time would determine the quality of your life. You must learn to convert your time to wealth, peace of mind and other valuable things you desire in life. Whatever, you spend your time doing now determines the kind of future that awaits you. Sam Adeyemi said and I quote: “You don’t have the capacity to kill time; it is time that has the capacity to kill you”
Spending your time wisely and fruitfully is a choice that you must make if you really want to achieve your goals. Remember, virtually everything is struggling for your time and often time those things are out of tune with your goals and ultimate success in life. It is your conscious effort to effectively spend your time that would save you from default life of mediocrity that majority are living, due to improper management of their time.
One way to spend your time qualitatively is to devote yourself to a life of continuous living in the areas of your goal. Find out and spend your time with those who are already where you want to be. Ask questions and most importantly do exactly what they do. Pay attention to what Brian Tracy said: “Don’t reinvent the wheels; life is too short for that”
And always remember that How, Where, When and With Whom you spend your time would consequently determine the outcome of your life.
Take Action
“Delayed action is delayed destiny”. ----Sam Adeyemi
No matter what you know if you don’t act on what you know; you won’t leave where you are and realizing your goals would continue to be elusive.
The effect of your efforts might not be immediately felt but if you continue to act on what you know and learn along the way and always apply what you know, then it is a matter of time before you hit the bull’s eye and crack the code of the combination key to the life you desire and you would have succeeded in unlocking a new and desired future unto yourself.