Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Can Everyone Be Rich Or Successful

Hey! Life could be hectic some times. Yesterday was one of those days I wished my house were close to my place of work. I was stuck in traffic for hours; a journey of less than 20 minutes took me close to three hours. Even though I tried to convert those hours to learning moment, I still strayed to imagine what most of us are going through daily, in the name of work.

When I eventually got home, I rested a while and powered on my laptop to type out the list of books in my library and check out which one I am yet to read and I was stunned to realize that I still have quite a number of books to read through. Concurrently, I slot in the “Why We Want You To Be Rich” audio CD 2 and while listening, Robert Kiyosaki said something that made me asked myself that “Can Everybody Be Rich Or Successful”?

In a swift reaction my mind answered the question that it is actually possible for everybody to be rich or successful. How? I probed further. Success is a habit; it conforms to certain principles that anyone can follow and get results. Then why is everybody not successful? I asked myself again?

The answer I got is that it is not everybody that can follow the principles not to talk of exhibit success habits. This answer shocked me because I know it refers to me too! There are certain things I read about success from renowned successful men like Brian Tracy, Anthony Robins etc that I am yet to put into action. It dawned on me that whatever position I am today, I am solely responsible and that neither my society nor my employer is. I jus have to change certain things and the result would be unimaginable!

I must confess that listening to this audio CD is really changing my perspective and expanding my thinking in a way I never thought possible.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

You Can’t Do Without Change If You Must Succeed In Year 2008!

A wise man once said that the definition of insanity is doing things the same way all the time and still expect a different result.

I was listening to the audio CD of “Why We Want You To Be Rich” authored by Robert Kiyosaki And Donald Trump. One of the main lessons I drew from the audio is that Change is all about state; you can't get to where you want to be without leaving where you are. If you want to become rich then you have to decide and leave everything that is or has to do with poverty.

Everything has to change; mediocrity, shallow thinking; irresponsibility; lack of vision; lack of perseverance; inability to read and analyze situation for a better decision. If you don’t like where you are or what you are doing then you must be prepared to do what would take you to the place you want to be.

However, I realized that even though change is desirable yet it is most resisted. Why? There is no change without pain. Most people cannot afford the pain of change yet they want to experience new things. And the fact is that you will have to give up something for some things to come into your life. For instance, you might need to give up a childhood friendship for a new one before you can move ahead in life.

How Do You Change?
You Must Desire It
The first thing you can do is that you must desire to change. A burning desire to change is the first to get you out of your comfort zone and the level of mediocrity. You must have strong reasons to want to change your state. For instance, everyone wants to be wealthy but only few actually have reasons that make them desire wealth. This desire is what propel them to take actions that finally brought them the desires of their hearts.
Know Where You Are Going
Another thing for change to occur is that you must have a clear picture of where next you want to be; what next you want have; who next you want to meet and so on. The reason many people are not making considerable change in their lives is because of a blur vision of where they want to be or what they want to have. Brian Tracy once said, "You can hit a target if you don't know what it is"
It could not be better said than that.
Discard Any Fear You Have About Change
Change is a natural phenomenon that should not be feared. do you know we changed everyday. Are you the same person you were yesterday? A week ago? A month? Are you still crawling as you were a baby? You see what I mean? The best way to handle change is to regard it as a part and parcel of our daily life occurence.
What you should fear is your fear to explore the virgin land of treasures that lie at the other side of your fear.
Finally, look around you today, those who are succeeding are those who are not afraid to engage in new things; the highly adventurous in our society. Civilization and all its attending technological benefits are made possible by those men who are not afraid to try new things. Men that are not afraid of failure because they know that failure is not a destination.
Change is inevitable. You Must Desire It

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Even though I can’t remember if I ever defined the theme of this site at inception; I presumed it was implied in its title: “WinnersGarden” - a resource centre where anyone can come and learn one or two things that would enable him/her to win in life and business.

In this year 2008, I have resolved to invest more in my education, not by attending class in the traditional setting, but to learn more with each passing day from, books, audio, seminars as well as events that go on around me – in the office and at home.
"The day you stop learning is the day you start dying!"

One more thing, I am going to share them on this page so that we can all learn and grow together; hence your comments are highly welcomed.
Today I learn something from Robert Kiyosaki's book that I will share with you tomorrow!

Till then keep on learning to be winners!