Saturday, February 17, 2007

How Do You Attract The Right People Into Your Life?

This article is sequel to my earlier article titled: The Importance of People in Your Journey to Success,

This article would show you:
· What You Can Do To Attract The Right People Into Your Life For Maximum Leverage Of their Time And Knowledge;
· What You Must Not Do To Others If You Must Benefit From Their Knowledge and Experience
· And Many More...

What brings the right people into your lifer? What makes people to be attracted and want to associate with you? How do you attract the right people into your life?

It is not sufficient that you realize the importance of others (people) in your life; but you must equally know how to attract the right people into your life. Of course, you won’t need everybody; however, getting the right people on board with you is very important. You must be able to attract and retain the right people that would contribute immensely and meaningfully into your life and success.

The question is how do you achieve this objective? The “how” is answered by the following:

Your Attitude Is Everything

How do you relate with and to people? Do you always snub or belittle them? Are you arrogant and rigid in your decisions and opinions? Do you disregard the opinion of other people without given it due consideration? Do you flagrantly display your knowledge and skills?

The presence of these vices (and many more) in your life would in the long run repel the right people that could uplift you. It is your attitude that would endear (or otherwise repel) others to you and it is only when people can conveniently come to you that they would be willing to share their knowledge with you. You must possess the right attitude to be able to learn and attract the right people into your life.

Be Prepared To Give

The level at which the right and relevant people are attracted into your life would be determined by the extent to which you shall willingly give out to them, selfishlessly. You must first give to people before they would be willing to give unto. Sow into people’s lives and you will reap bountifully in due season. Mind you, you will definitely reap the fruit of the kind of seed that you sow into people’s lives. Hence, there is need for you to sow or give out things of immense value to people? As human beings, we always gravitate towards any relationship or association that promises and or provide us with the kinds of benefits we are looking for.

In other words, you will only attract right people into your life when they perceived that you too ahs something to offer them, no matter how small such thing might be.

Most importantly, you must be prepared to give unconditionally, without clouding your mind with what you could possibly get in return, thus, you must give your best and would definitely get the best from others in due course.

Your Perception Of Others Counts

How do you see and judge others? Do you judge them by the physical appearance/possession? Do you write people off easily? Do oyu foresee the hidden potentials and gifts in other people? Many people have unknowingly chase away those people that would have contributed immensely to their lives and success due to poor judgment and perception.

Often time, the very people we overlook or neglect are the very people that own the key to our breakthrough and success in life.

Be At The Right Place

If you want to eat antelope, you won’t go to the sea or pond; you will have to be in the bush where antelopes reside. Also, if you want to fly with eagles; you have no business scratching the ground with turkeys! Similarly, in order to attract the right people into your life you must go to where they are. It could be club, online forums and particular associations. You must first determine the kind of people that are right for you, those that are in line with what you want to do. Thereafter, find out where they spend their time and ensure to be there.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

PURPOSEFULNESS: One Of Your Key To Success This Year!

“If you don’t know your purpose in life, you will be slave to those who do”

Are you living a live of mediocrity? Do you always settle for less than you could actually have in life? Are you presently living your life without any sense of direction and you are comfortable with whatever life dish out to you on a daily basis? Are you among the crumb-eaters in the society and seem not to bother about it; Are you so comfortable in your comfort zone?

Are you among those that don’t know what they aspire for in life and care less about it? Such people have accepted failure, without any resistance whatsoever, as their lots in life. A handful of them actually know what they want but either the desire is weak or feeble or they lack the courage to move toward their goals.

Simply put this set of people lack the zeal to pursue their life goal or passion. They are wishful-thinkers and always build their castles in the air; their desires are so fragile that they throw in the towel at the first sight of obstacles or resistance. They quit so early that they never won! As somebody rightly said “if you quit before your time; no dinner for you”

The worst thing you could ever do to yourself and generations coming after you is to be among this group of bench warmers! They are those who, by default, have accepted to be spectators in life and they struggle through life.

Who says you can’t be among the real players and be celebrated as winners and live a fulfilling and well transformed life? Your thinking and imagination is your limitation. You can never rise above your thinking. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thought.

Why don’t you make up your mind to enroll, today, into the league of winners? And it is absolutely free! Nonetheless, there is always a price to pay and the only price you have to pay is determination and singleness of purpose coupled with focus, the sacrifice that the failures, crumble-eaters and bench-warmers are scary of.

Winners are a different breed of the pack; they know exactly what they want in life and never settled for less. They pursue their goal/vision with amazing ferocity that nothing could eventually stand on their way; they are consumed with each passing seconds with the object of their heart desire and no matter the obstacles, they Never! Never!! Never!!! give up. Unlike those that have accepted failure in life, they don’t waiver.

The choice of which group to belong is entirely yours and the beauty of it all is that they both have their rewards which you will receive depending on your choice. Life adequately rewards every man according to his level of toil; what you sow is what you reap.

The first place to begin is by asking yourself series of questions that you must provide immediate answers to. It would serve you well to do this with your pen and notepad in hand or alternatively keyboard and computer.

What is your exact purpose in life? What is the main reason for your existence? Why are you on this planet? What is you passion and what drives you? What do you enjoy doing effortlessly without noting the passage of time? What do you really desire in your business, career, relationship, finances and personal life? How vigorously do you pursue the object of your desire without depriving others of their rights? When last did you work on your project or the object of your desire? What progress have you made in your business, career, marriage, personal life between last year and now? Is what you engage in presently related to the object of your desire? Are you being driven to your desire and passion on daily basis?

Your response to these questions would enable you to determine your purpose in life and indicate if you are a winner or not. Until you are alive to, and pursue your purpose in life, you will just be wandering around aimlessly. Your purpose in life gives you reasons to live.