Last Sunday I was in church and during the praise and worship session something struck my mind concerning the fufilment of our purpose in life. As christians or whatever your religious inclination is, there is this overall belief that there is a supreme being up there that directs the affairs of man. He determines our destiny; what we be or what we are not in life. Now I want to belief that He has given unto us equal measure and opportunity, which could be in various shapes, that we need to succeed in life. But there are certain things He would definiely not do for us which, despite the fact that He has programmed our lives for success, if we fail to do will ultimately lead to non-fufilment of our purpose in life.
For instance, He would not manage our Time for us, we have to do that for ourselves. Time has been given equally to every man. in other words, we all have 24 hours a day to utilize but how we spend the hours is a different thing, and this determines the difference between failure and success; between haves and have nots. Ask yourself, in what are you investing your time? Is it towards activities that are inline with your purpose or are they out of tune?
Can He do the thinking for us? NO! Because He has already provided us with the resources to think and the ability to act on our thoughts. We are responsible to provide the link, which is our input, to what he has programmed for us, our destiny.
What more? We are co-creators- through the power of our thought; our mind has been designed not only to imagine but to bring to reality the object of our imagination. However, the fact still remains that we have to put our minds to use.
Now I put this question to you, what role are you playing, right now -with all the resources at your disposal, in the fufilment of your destiny. Are you folding your arms, waiting for the elusive big fall ? Remember, manna no longer fall from heaven. You can't reap if you don't sow and the quality of your output is determined by the quality of your input.