Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Importance Of People In Your Journey To Success.

“All of us, at certain moments of our lives, need to take advice and to receive help from other people” – Alexix Carrel

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. People always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too, can become great.” – Mark Twain

“A tree cannot make a forest” – Yoruba Proverb, Western Nigeria
Human beings are social animals and the essence of our living is premised on purposeful and quality interaction with one another vis-à-vis the environment we live in. No human being can exist in isolation, no matter how talented you might be. It doesn’t matter your ingenuity, you need other people to express your talent and achieve your life purpose. Any attempt to go solo usually result in frustration and failure is inevitable which might even lead to confinement in a psychiatric home!

Our association with others determines who we are; where we are; and what we have. We can’t rise above the collective thinking and belief of our associations.

Consequently, your achievement or success this year 2007 would be determined by the kind of people you hang out with. What do they do? What do they belief in? What do they confess with their mouths? Are they negative or positive thinkers? Is their belief ingrained in impossibilities? Are they a bunch of mediocre? Are they inconsistently consistent in their thinking and actions? Who are their friends? What goals do they set for themselves? Do they belief in their own abilities? What are their philosophies of life? what do they wear? And so on.

Brian Tracy once said that: "you cannot scratch with turkey and fly with eagles"; you cannot relate with mediocre, uninspired and unfocused people and expect yourself to be different from them. It is either you associate with people that can lift you up or you go out with those that would drag you into mud.

Consequently, as you take the bold step toward success this year 2007 you must be very selective of the people you are going to associate with. You should hang out only with those people that share similar ideals, belief and opinions with you. Any friendship or association that cannot take you to your Cannan land must be done away with. You must, as a matter of fact, evaluate your present crops of friends or associates. What have they contributed to your life in the previous years? Are you progressing or retrogressing as a result of your association with them? What opportunity has your association with them brought your way? Do they motivate or demotivate you? How many of your dreams do they belief in? what has been their contributions in achieveing any of your dreams? If you answer to all these questions is negative then let go of such friends. You don’t need them!

Since you are spending some time out with your friends and associates, then it is expedient that you, from time to time, audit your friends and associates to determine the continuity or otherwise of your friendship or association with them. This is very important because the time you spend with them is taken out of your life and cannot be recouped, it is therefore absolutely necessary that you to spend it meaningfully and wisely; it must be with the right people.

True friendship and association is one that is based on win/win. It is a kind of friendship or association where everyone benefits. People assist one another to move ahead in life and business. It is this kind of association that form the basis of the master mind group that Napoleon Hill mentioned in Think And Grow Rich as one of those things that would ensure your success in any endeavour you found yourself.

It, therefore, follows that you must avoid any association that is based on win/lose and or lose/lose situation. Such is a parasitic friendship and it is a plague that you must be far away from; run as far as you legs could carry you!

Finally, the kind of people that would be attracted into your life will be determined by your attitude, dominant thoughts and your way of interaction.
Like attracts likes; if you are ambitious, goals-oriented, purposeful, possibility and positive thinker etc, then you are bound to attract people of similar qualities into your life. The bottom line is that you must work on yourself to become the person you want to see in others.

1 comment:

Evan Carmichael said...

Excellent post Taye!

I wrote a blog on Mastermind Groups and just posted a new entry based on your post: Who Do You Surround Yourself With?

Who you surround yourself with has a dramatic on how successful you can be and plays an important role with any Mastermind Group.

Keep up the great work!
