Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How To Turn Problems And Failure To Your Springboard For Success!

“To succeed you’ve to be open to problems. You’ve to be open to failure. And as you go up the ladder, you gain the right to get more problems” --- Dave Anderson

“Problems create situations in which we can grow. The very things we want to avoid in life are the things that shape us into the persons we should be”

“Yesterday’s problems beget today’s comforts and inventions” --- Taye Adamo

Many of us have come to regard problems and failures as plagues that are to be avoided at all cost. They are simply undesirable and we tend to shy away from our problems rather than confronting them or embracing them. Some even held the belief that problems and failures are bestowed on them by their real and imagined enemies or some unseen (spiritual) forces.

While such belief might be true in certain regions (especially in some part of Africa – even though a white man might call it mere superstition- we know there are unseen forces which could be evil or good), often times, it is wrongly held belief. No wonder many are poor.

We cannot be separated from failures and problems if we must succeed and excel in whatever we do. They provide litmus tests for our intellectual capability and creativity as higher mammals and if we fail to exercise it for whatever reason then we won’t be different from animals or other lower mammals!

Problems and failures are meant to challenge our thoughts about the undesirable situations we are in to the point we are able to create a desirable one. It is inside out. And unless we confront it, we won’t be able to turn it inside out. Failure, they say, is success inside out.

Yesterday’s Problems Produced Today’s Comforts And Inventions

My maternal grandfather used to narrate a story of how they had to travel long distance in those darkest days of pre-civilization. Journeys of about 1000 km usually took those days to accomplish and they must travel in groups. It was a major problem then that got certain people thinking as the generations of human beings pass by. Then somebody stumbled on the situation through his incessant thought of devising a solution to the problem and automobiles came into being. Short after another problem of saving time by travelling faster arose and aeroplanes were invented as a result.
Now do you think there would have been these inventions if the initial problems were not confronted and turned around to bring about a desired situation?

Similarly the problem of high rate of mortality recorded in the early century of human history led to unimaginable discovery of improved medical facilities and practice.

In essence, wise men have been producing one invention or the other to alleviate problems in their lives and the society which accounted for the level of civilization and technological advancement in the world today and the world is done yet.

You Must Confront Your Problems.

I strongly belief that as you are reading this article now, you have one or two problems going on in your life or business, and so are many of us.

But while it might seem to you that others have no problems as you do is because you have not learnt, as they do, to confront your problems and turn them to spring boards for your success.

Do you have cash flow problem? Then what are you doing about? Folding your arms, I suppose? You are probably hoping manna would fall from heaven. No more manna from heaven, it only happened during the biblical days and not ever since. Hence you must wake up from your slumber and confront your problems.

You Must Have The Right Perspective About The Problem.

You must know the problem inside out and it is only when you are able to diagnose the problem you won’t be able to know what solution to come up with.

I normally tell people that you cannot confront physical problems with spiritual solutions. For instance somebody that was involved in an accident and had his leg chopped off and resorted to prayers that the leg be replaced!

Or a student who refused so burn the mid-night oil but rather keep on praying that he/she pass his/her exams would definitely fail.

The problem of low-paid salaried job might get you thinking in the right direction of starting your own problem or generate ideas to solve other people’s problems and charged them for consulting fees. It might even lead you to find a part business that you could engage in to generate additional income. And in the long run the cash flow problem would vanish.

In other to turn the problem to spring board for your success, your level of thinking in terns of problem perception and analysis as well as solution generation must be higher than the level of your thought or action that created the problem in the first place.

You must gather all information you could, from whatever source you could think of, and also seek the assistance of those that had experience relating to such problem or failure.

Finally, tap into your intuition and follow your guts. Sit down quietly and meditate over the problem with a singular intention of finding lasting and best solution to the problem.

The Way You Perceive The Problem Counts.

The way you see the problem in your mind eye would determine your ability to come up with solution. You might belief you have the power or innate ability to solve the problem. You could otherwise held the belief that the problem is beyond you, that you could never came up with any solution. In either case, you are very much correct. As you think in your heart, so you are.

Two individuals looking at the same problem would definitely perceive it differently and each would be right in his/her own and would react to the problem according to the nature and level of his/her perception.

The Right Perception Is Not Enough!

You might have the right perception of the problem or situation and you might even analyse it accurately but until you act or do something about the situation, nothing happens and the problem won’t just go away. Your thought won’t solve the problem, your actions would do.

In conclusion, you should never allow the fear of unknown or the uncertainties of the outcome of the solution you have in mind to forestall your taking action on your intention toward solving the problem.
That problem you are passing through now is just a shield to your success, GET UP, GRAB IT AND REMOVE IT NOW!

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