Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Top Ten Reasons People Fail In Life And Business

Take a look around you, in your office, environment and society and you will notice that a lot of people are struggling with living. They are trying hard to make ends meet both in their life and business. No matter how hard they try and throw up the hand-held-fan it always lands on its flat side. What else could be done? They seem not to know the cracking code for success. Especially when they compare themselves with the few people that is really moving ahead in life.
And the question to ask is why is a handful of people progressing and the rest of the populace are barely surviving? Simply put, they know what the majority don’t know or they do what the rest of the people know but won’t do.

In this post I attempted to analyze top ten reasons people struggle through life so that you can beware of them in your journey to a successful living and have a transformed life:

1. Lack of Goal, Weak Or No Clear Goal

“Ours is a world where people don’t know what they want and they are willing to go through hell to get it”---- D. Marquis

If you ask most of the people that are struggling through life what they plan to achieve in a month, a year and few years from now, hardly would you get a reasonable and well satisfied answer. They don’t have goals they would want to achieve in their life time; they simply lack any sense of direction. In rare cases those that went as much as setting goals for themselves really don’t have a concrete goal in place. The goal is so weak that they lack the zeal to take off or pursue such goal.
Consequently, if you want to succeed in life you must not be among the majority that live their lives as it comes; because such people go through life wishful-thinking, hoping to make a breakthrough one day without any plan, with little or no effort on their part. Without consciously or unconsciously setting of goals it would be impossible to have any worthwhile achievement. Some people have little or no drive for achievement in little; they are comfortable with the status quo and or their comfort zone. They are afraid to set goals that would bring them success in life and they don’t dream big for fear of ridicule if they should fail to achieve whatever they have set out to achieve.

2. Fear Of Assuming Responsibility:
Those who move ahead in life are those that make up their mind to be solely responsible for their actions and whatever happens to them. Your present position and situation is the result of your total action, inaction and activities that you have engaged in up to the moment. And the only way to move ahead is to first realize where you are and accept responsibility for it whether you like your present situation or not. Then you must also accept responsibility for where you want to be and know that the transition from where you are to where you want to be is solely up to you.
Goal setting is all about making up your mind to leave where you are now to the place of your dream and in doing this you must experience change which involves taking up responsibility.
With great power comes great responsibility; greater achievements in life and business come with greater responsibilities. The biblical ten-talent servant received more when he demonstrated and showed zeal for more responsibility.

3. Short-Cut Mindset
Success in everything takes time and lots of hard work and patience, among other things. Most people however, believe they could cut corners and have success overnight. They are those that are always after Get Rich Quick, GRQ, programs or schemes everywhere on the net. They want to walk before they craw and they get crashed before they could rise. They don’t want to pay the price through hard work, commitment, patience and focus that true success requires.
Even though such people may achieve what I called pseudo-success they eventually end up being miserable and worse off.

4. Poor Relationship With People
Success in life and business is built on relationship with others. How well you are able to relate and interact with people in your life, environment and those you come in contact with determines how far you will go up the ladder of success.
Most of those that are experience one failure or the other in their life are have poor people skills and cannot relate well with people in their immediate environment. Can you communicate effectively with people at the other end of the spectrum? If you are into sales and you hate talking to or facing people how do you intend to sell your products to them?

5. No or Weak commitment
People fail in life as result of no or weak commitment to their goals, if they set any one at all. They do things half-heartedly and never completed any project before jumping to another. They jump from one business to another; move from one relationship to another. They never invest adequate time and money in any worthwhile project they might engage in. And before you blink they are on new project! They are simply not committed to excellence in whatever they do and the ultimate result of this is failure and frustration.

6. Lack Of Focus
Failure and struggling are inevitable whenever there is lack of sense of direction in life and business. Every worthwhile athlete knows that he must focus totally on the prize and task before him and should he allow any distraction or remove his eyes and mind from the prize he would never emerged the winner. So also is winning in life and business, the moment there is any distraction or lack of focus then it would be impossible to achieve the set goals.
Focus means you know and define clearly what you want, where you want to be and you set out in clear terms how you will achieve all these and did not allow anything to derail you and you remain committed to achieving your goals to the end.

7. Lack Of Adequate Or Poor Information
Information is power and it what makes the difference between failure and success. The information in your possession could change your life for the better and so also is the lack of it. Many fail in life and business because they never took time to gather enough information about what they want to do or who they want to associate with. They venture into business with ill-equipped information about the business and before they know it, they are experience one failure or the other. Once they see other people doing well in any business they never bother to find out the details they just plunge into it hoping to learn the intricacies as they move on forgetting that such might be all they needed to succeed in that line of business.

8. The Killing Power Of Inertia: Inaction
In truth knowledge is power but the actual power is the application of the knowledge possessed. There is no difference between a man who knows and does nothing and a man that doesn’t know. You can have all the information in this world that is needed to move forward your business and life but until you begin to apply such information you won’t experience any change at all. Many remain where they are not because they don’t know what to do to get out of their situation but because they refuse to take the step to move forward. They simply refused to take action. Failure to take the first step has always being the reason many people remain at the bottom of the success ladder and still struggling with living. What such people fail to realize is that once they take the courage and pain to take the first step it will be easier to move ahead unhindered. After all the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step taken.
It is amazing and painful seeing people telling you about their fantastic and laudable ideas and plans still struggling with living and when you probe further you discover the reason they are still struggling is because they have not acted upon their ideas and plans. They have allowed the destructive power of inertia to get at them and until they break loose and take ACTION they will remain the same.
How many of your ideas and plans did you acted upon this year? And as the year is round up, can you look back and give yourself thumb up for acting upon your ideas and plans for year 2006? Do you know that you are where you are right now as a result of your action and inaction? It is never too late. It is better now than never. Get up today and start doing something about your ideas and plans; otherwise you will remain where you are.

9. Failure To Do What They Love To Do
When you don’t follow your passion, you will continue to struggle and continuously move from one job to another; from one career to another and from one relationship to another. Many today are working on a job they don’t like, they are working a boss they hate with a passion and remain stuck in a relationship that is not giving them any fulfillment. How sad! No wonder they continue to struggle with living. How could they succeed in what they are doing without passion? Take for instance somebody who hate facing and talking to people taking up the job of a salesman and everyday he dresses to go out for business is like a hell for him. The result is already determined, he won’t succeed.
When you don’t do what you love then you are simply pursing another man’s dream and there is no way you could succeed at that.

10. Inability To Engage in a Life Time Training
Many people that fail in life do so because of their belief that they have learnt all they need to know in order to succeed in life. They believe they are reservoir of knowledge and skills in their chosen field and that there is nothing they could learn from other people, especially from people outside their chosen field. They hardly study or go for training and seminars and as such they continue to apply the same techniques, principles and ideas to their businesses and relationships whilst the rest of the world is adopting new techniques, ideas and principles to advance at a supersonic speed.

The truth is that to stay at the top in life and business you must subscribe to a life of continuous learning. Any person or business that stops learning will begin to die.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Every one of us has the dual power to succeed or fail; the thought of good or bad; success or failure that we allow in our minds plays a major role in what we eventually become, the result will be determined by the dominant of our thoughts. Our future is actually made inside us. While we all mostly have the default state of failure, the path to success requires our conscious effort and planning. And where we failed to plan then we have inadvertently planned to fail.

Few years ago when I was preparing for my professional examinations in insurance I experienced both success and failure that clearly illustrate the point am stressing here that we all have the inbuilt power to either succeed or fail in life, or whatever it is that we lay our hands on, depending on the choice we have consciously or unconsciously made.

Taking Up The Challenge:
It took me a while to got to know that some of my course mates at the polytechnic had started writing professional exams and immediately it came to my knowledge I made up my mind to enroll instantly, which I did and I had to borrow the registration fee and money for course books. I couldn’t afford the fees charged at the tutorial so I made up my mind to study on my own. So I got down to business instantly and started studying about seven months to my exam.

Hardly had I made my intention known that I started receiving series of advice from my course mates that were already writing the examinations. They were all of the opinion that I should not put in for life business, to them it was no go area; students that write the paper every year were too scanty because of the difficulties encountered in passing the paper. Their word was anything but encouraging, and was I deterred? Not at all, rather I became more curious and determined to explore the path most of them are afraid to follow and see things for myself.

My enrolment for the life business and inability to afford fees charged at the tutorial classes made it double challenge for me. And my critics believed that for me to pass the exams I must enroll for the tutorial class.

In every challenge we face in life and or business, our will power to succeed amidst difficulties and uncertainties goes a long way to determine our achievement at the end of the day.
Consequently, I didn’t allow the obvious obstacles and every word of discouragement to deter me from becoming a chartered insurer within the shortest time possible. Even though then I didn’t know the concept of autosuggestion and positive confession, I was telling anyone that cared to listen that I was going to study on my own and pass the examination. And I had no doubt in my mind that I was going to pass the examinations.

Adequate Planning And Preparation:
Success in every endeavor depends on adequate planning and preparation. What challenges are you facing in your life or business? You need to evaluate the situation and consciously design a workable plan that would ensure you succeed. You must also be adequately prepared to work your plan. Failure to plan is an invitation to fail.

Hence, the first thing I did was to get all the course books I would need. And honestly, it was not easy to raise the money then. Thereafter, I began to study long time before the exam commenced. I actually study the course materials eight months before the exam and at that time others were busy doing something else. I became familiar with the course materials that, as the exam was getting nearer, each time I pick them up my mind reeled off the content of the materials so easily that my appetite for them was declining due to too much familiarity.

It is worthy of note here that I didn’t have the whole day to myself because I was working on a full time job and at the same doing part time programme in the polytechnic. The only time I have to study for my professional exam was in the night. In fact this is what brought about my long time preparation.

“War doesn’t claim the life of a wise cripple; because he would have exercised the wisdom to leave the war-threatened-zone long before the war started”---Proverb, Yoruba, Western Nigeria

The Right Association
The people you associate or hang out with have a lot of influence over your success or otherwise in life and business. They determine your faith to a greater extent and because of this you must be very careful of those you associate with. Just like somebody said: ”Show me your friends and I will tell you whom you are”

I have few friends then that we study together in the night after the office hours and I was particularly close to one lady among them. We were everywhere together (whenever this was possible) studying and teaching each other what we have learnt to the best of our abilities and whenever any topic or concept is not clear to us we consult our course materials together for clarity and better understanding. When it was a week to the exam we both took casual leave from our offices and she moved over to my place. No funny stuff though. And we began revising our notes and those topics we had treated previously late into the night and many time we would felt asleep right on top of our books.

One vital thing we never did throughout this period of our intense preparation, amidst stories of how we could not pass the exams studying on our own and all that and how most students are failing the exam every year, was to entertain fear or doubt about passing the exams or not. Because of our long preparation, I had a high level of confidence, positive and right mindset toward the outcome of the result.

And The Reward Came
I was very exhilarated when the result came out and I passed the four papers I wrote that year with two distinctions sandwiched in between. It was a great achievement for me that year because most of those that went to tutorial class could not record such achievement.
This really taught me a lesson on hard work and adequate planning and preparation on everything I want to do in life. As you read on, the essence of this sentence would be clearer.

Turn Of Events
The following year I enrolled for the second stage of the examination but the settings and circumstances have changed. The preparation and association have changed, they were entirely different and so was the result at the end of the day.

Negative Confessions And Inadequate Preparation
I had the misfortune of preparation the second stage of the examination with another friend who was anything but positive minded. She was fond of calling amidst our study and said that:
“Taye, do you know if we fail this examination it won’t matter because it was our money”, “I really don’t know what to write in the exams”

…and series of negative thoughts and confessions like that.

Before I knew what was happening I had bought into her thought and when the exam came I wrote the papers amidst fear and uncertainties.

The result
You guess right. I was even lucky to pass one out of the four papers I wrote in the examination and my negative-minded friend never passed any of her papers!

Much later as I study more and begin to have insights into certain concepts and principles that guides our human life; I was able to realize that I was actually responsible for both my success and failure in the examinations because of the state of my mind, my belief, the people I associated with during my preparation. Both friends had influenced my thoughts in different ways and that brought about the different results that I had.

More stunning is the realization that many are going through series of events in their lives without realizing the enormous power they have by simply controlling their thoughts and associate with the right people that could turn their lives around for the better.
My message to you is that arise and make use of that power within you because if you do not; you will be fully responsible for whatever happens to you on this planet and you can't blame your creator, maker or any higher power not even unluck, as many people are fonding of saying: "He is just lucky or Am just unluck" or so so and so is responsible for my misfortune.
Change your thought and your associate and you will dramatically change your life.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Recipe For Solving Frustrating Problems In Life And Business

“Life doesn’t have meaning unless we learn how to handle our problems” – M. S. Peck

How do you perceive problem? Do you see it as an avenue to grow or do you regard it a way of perpetual suffering? What is your attitude when you are having problem? Do you brace up and face it or do you shrink away from it? Do you seek solution or do you wallop in self pity and wish the problem would grow wings and just vanish into thin air? Confronting problems is the hallmark of successful people.

Problems are part of our human life that cannot be merely wished away or run away from. The more problem you are able to solve in your life; the more knowledgeable you are to help others solve theirs and this translates to you making lots of money. Problems require conscious efforts on our parts to effectively and positively turn them to goldmine. Yes, problems are goldmine! Of course, that depends on your perception of the problematic situation. Just like two prisoners looking out of a prison window; one saw a brighter future beyond the four corners of the prison wall while the other saw nothing beyond his present predicament and incarceration. Expectedly their fate was the manifestation of their thoughts; one came out free and the other died in prison.

Many people shy or run away from taking certain decisions, actions or activities because of problems they might likely encounter. But what such people don’t realize is that problems bring about situations and circumstances for our growth. Those very things we want to avoid in life are the things that nurture us and shape us into the persons we should be.

Some problems are quite normal such as been temporarily out of cash or job and others could be more frustrating and chaotic, this could be you are facing bankruptcy and the bank threatens to take over your home and other possessions.

The question now is how do you handle such problem or chaotic situation? The following tested and trusted principles would go a long way in assisting you to come out of any problematic situation triumphantly:

Have A Possibility/Positive Mindset About The Situation/Problem

Your ability to solve any problem facing you depends largely on the state of your mind regarding the situation at hand; If you are pessimistic about the outcome of what you are passing through then you can be sure the result wouldn’t be otherwise. One of the prisoners mentioned earlier on never saw himself getting out of the prison alive and he never did.
Let’s assume you are having poor sales problem, until you begin to visualize yourself making more sales you won’t make any progress and if you perpetually think of the poor sales then the situation would get worse. Are you experiencing downturn in your relationship? Then change your mindset and perception of such relationship and you will begin to experience a blissful relationship. Is it lack of money? Don’t dwell on your lack rather begin to visualize living in financial abundance and in the long run the situation would change, as it would get to a time that the idea to make the money would pop into your head or you are linked with people and circumstances that would bring about its manifestation.
A few years back, I was preparing for my professional exam along with a course mate who always made a remark that if we should fail it won’t matter because it was our money that we spent. Then I didn’t know the concept of positive mindset or that I could change my life by changing my thought. At a point my mind began to take in everything she was saying and when the result came out she failed all her papers while I struggled to pass two out of four papers. This means we should be careful the people we hang out with. They could have tremendous effect upon our lives and we need to sieve and analyse data/information emanating from them.

Don’t ever believed the situation or problems confronting you cannot be solved; always have it in mind that solution to such problem exist even if you don’t know it at that moment. If you believe the solution is possible then you will somehow come in contact with people who know the solution and are ready to share it with you. Whatever the problem is, you should never allow it to stop you from taking the right decision. If you desire to go on vacation don’t allow problem of cash to stop you from taking that decision. Be positive and optimistic why taking the decision and be open to all ideas that would come to you on how to get it done.
Dr. Robert Schuller was able to build a debt-free crystal cathedral worth millions of dollars because he believes in possibility and had a positive mindset toward his dream or how to raise fund for the project. “As a man thinketh in his heart; so he is”. Your reactions to a problem which could be positive or negative goes a long way in determine the outcome of such problem whether it would be solved or not.
Hence the first thing towards solving any problem is for you to believe that the problem is solvable no matter what.

State Clearly In Writing What the Problem Is
With the right mindset towards the problem you can then confidently go ahead to define clearly on paper what the problem is. Understanding the situation clearly is the first step towards solving it. You will be able to analyse the present situation of things and visualize the outcome or your expectations -the exact situation you desire which is still futuristic at that moment. It is essential that you refuse the temptation to do this mentally for best result.
Take your pen and writing pad or put on your computer and open the word processor and begin to type as the words come to your mind; don’t try to edit just type on. And any of these methods you prefer is okay as long as you refuse to do it mentally. One major reason for this is that as you write or type you will be passing the message to your subconscious that would be working on it underneath. But most importantly is the fact that you can always go back to your note or computer for clarification, further analysis or reference. Similarly, you will begin to have a sense of relief and peace of mind by the time you have fully poured your heart about the problem on paper or word processor.
I am always relieved and have a clear head to proffer solution each time I clearly defined my problems on paper.
In the poor sales example I gave earlier on; first of all you should have the mindset that you could do something to improve your sales. In other words, you must hold the picture of making more sales vividly in your mind and you should believe that you can possibly achieve this if you do the necessary things. You then go on to write down the exact problem you are facing, during this time you will definitely stumble on the causes and how to go about improving your sales.
And if it is a lack-lustre relationship; the right mindset is to desire for a blissful relationship and you will then describe in writing (or typing) what the situation is and how to go about it.

Look At The Problem From Another Perspective
You must look at the problem from all the perspectives or areas that are open to you at the moment. In the poor sales scenario, put yourself in your prospects shoes and ask yourself if you would buy from yourself judging by your present personality, communication skill, and product presentation etc. Also evaluate your product and see if you could buy it as it is. What about the price at which you sell? Can you buy at such price? Looking at the problem from another perspective will reveal the causes of the problem to you from a perspective you never thought possible before. Not only this, it would enable you to foster solution that would improve the situation.You can then go and ahead and group all similar causes together and this would enable you to brainstorm and come up with clear possible solution. If it is in a relationship, putting yourself in the other person position will reveal if you are the cause or not.
Some times you might need to reframe the problem to enable you get clearer picture of it. For instance, if your problem is “poor salary” you might reframe it to be “how do I improve my skills and knowledge about my job to enable me earn more money”. By doing this you will put your mind (subconscious) into action.

Identify And Write Down People And Other Idea Source That Could Offer You Valuable Assistance In Solving The Problem
Two heads are always better than one; hence you should seek the alliance of right thinking and problem solving people that could assist you in solving the problem confronting you and tap into their wisdom. You should identify people that had such or similar problems in the past and approach them for assistance. Find out how they were able to overcome such problem in their lives. You might to seek out the assistance of the top ten sales people in your field and tap their knowledge. Most of them would be more than willing to help out; all you need do is ask them.
However, due to peculiarity of every problem vis-à-vis individual difference in approaching situations, there could be other circumstances that might make your situation a little bit unique from the people you have approached for assistance and their solution might not be hundred percent applicable to your situation/problem. Never mind! The fact still remains that you would have, in the process of asking as many such people as possible, gained insight on how to perfectly solve the problem and seek out other idea areas.

Write Down All The Steps You Need To Take To Solve The Problem
You must at this point write or type out, as the case may be, series of actions that you must take to solve the problem. Ask yourself: What, Who, How.
Do you need to improve your communication skills in order to communicate effectively and meaningfully to your clients and spouse? What course or skill do you need exactly to improve your relationship and performance? How do you enrol for such training and what would be the duration? Do you need to take your spouse out more often? Must you apologise to him/her? You must arrange all the steps in sequential order so that you don’t put the cart before the horse. Do you need more money? Do you need to go to school first; obtain more degrees and go back to work?

Analyse All Options And Choose The Best
You must review all causes of the problem in relation to all possible solutions you have come up with and carefully choose the best option. For instance, poor salary or lack of money could be the problem. One option might be to look for another job that pays higher salary and another option might be doing something on your own part time such having online business. Yet another option might be to approach your employer for increment in salary. Etc.

Take Action!
At this stage no more story, swing into action and begin immediately to implement the best option you have chosen. Do bother about having all the materials or facts in place before you take action. If you do, you will never get started and the problem might become more complex and demands extra efforts to get solved. Delay could be very dangerous, ACT NOW!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Ten Golden Ways To Attract Prospects To Your Business And Have Them Patronize You As Life Time Customers!

The most challenging aspect of any business, be it online or offline, is to attract prospects (would be customers) irrespective of the nature of the business. Equally challenging is keeping these prospects as life time customers, which is the most important thing any business really desire because, when it does, the bank account swells up! Nonetheless, while others have cracked this code of profitability in business majority are still struggling with little or no sales.
However, if you could adopt the following ten golden rules, you will attract prospects to your business like swarm of bees and they would keep on coming back. They would become your life time customers and this translates to more money for you. Guaranteed!
Remember the ability to attract and retain customers determines the success or otherwise of your business. If you have made up your mind to turn around your business for utmost patronage and profit, then you adopt these 10 golden rules that have the capacity to boost your business by more than 100%.

1. Determine Who Your Prospects Are or Would Be And Where They Are And How To Get To Them.
This is very important and everybody seems to be aware of it but how many are actually taking the pains to work this out? You might ask yourself why do I need to bother myself about who are going to be my prospects, can’t I just reel out my service or product to the public? After all, I am passionate about my product or service and I know people would love it because it is such a great service or product. The answer is absolutely NO! Because if you do, you will eventually frustrate yourself when little or no person buy your product! Why? Foremost, there is no way you could create a product or service that would meet the need of the general public. Secondly, you are not knowledgeable in all area; remember no man is a fountain of knowledge.
So the first thing you need to do is to identify the segment or part of the public that would benefit immensely from your business. Are they in the lower cadre of the society or are they at the top echelon, are they adults or children? You need to know their buying behaviour and who make the buying decisions in their lives. What pains are they going through that your product or service would alleviate? What is their passion that your business could fulfil? Where do they reside, visit or have past time? Talking about past time, how do they spend theirs? All these question when properly answered and written down would not only guide you to design and package your product or service in such a way that it would meet the needs of your prospects but it would make them sought after what you have to offer.
But then, you must know how to reach them or how they could reach you otherwise you will be the only person that knows about your product. Could you access or reach them through phone, e-mail, search engine etc? Once you know this then you can take your product or service to where your prospects are.

“Reaching your prospects” or “your prospects reaching (looking for) you” are two different concepts that have different results! The former could bring up about suspicious, doubts and fears on the part of your prospects because you have probably reach them through e-mail marketing and such like or they see your advert somewhere when they are not actually looking for you and probably make an impulse response to your advert and eventually buy your product! The latter on the other hand, connotes that you have your products or services ready at where your prospects go whenever they need solution to their problem or want certain needs met which your business has the ultimate answer to. In this case because they are the one looking for what you have to offer when they see your offer they would be less suspicious and there would be no doubt or fear. What is the best place that your prospects could find you when they are looking for what you have to offer Online? The search engine!
Your site must be search engine friendly and to achieve this you must think like your prospects, get into their heads and use the exact word or group of words they would use when searching for the solution to their problems that your business has to offer.

2. Use Attention-grabbing, Gaze Riveting And Emotion Driven Words to Attract your prospects.
You should realise that you are in a market place and you are not the only one displaying your product or service for the prospects to see. But how do you woo the prospects so that he would not just look at you but visit your site to see what you have to offer? Your headlines must be very captivating and appealing that the prospect would only see your ad among numerous ads that are there. And how do you do this?
You must use the exact words to persuade the prospects that you and only you has the solution to the prospects problems or needs. Remember that you only have a few seconds of his/her time and that if your words are neither most promising nor revealing the benefits the prospects stand to derive from using your product or service, he/she would be gone at the blink of your eyes! Hard job, no doubt, so it is for everyone!
This is why I have committed myself to master the art of persuading prospects to seek out willingly my product or service far above that of my competitors. And it is a must for you too!

3. Bait Them!
How do you feel when you are offered valuable things as gift? You will be exhilarated and eternally grateful to the giver. You really want to be identified with such person. It is the same concept that you must adopt to hook and keep the swarm of prospects that your attention grabbing headlines have attracted to your site. Everyone loves free things and you will do well to shower your prospects with valuable free offers which could be e-books, a sample of your product or service, free subscription to your e-zines, free mini e-mail courses, you name it! You must be creative and offer something unique that the prospects would value.
Make it in such a way that it is the freebie that grabs your prospects attention immediately the headline has drawn him/her to your site. Why? Many online visitors or prospects are so much in a hurry and often times have little or no time to really view the content of your site but the bait you offer them at this stage would sustain their attention and make them stay long enough to want to view the content of your site. Take it or you leave it, I do it many times myself.
But whatever you offer must be unique, valuable in the eyes of the prospects and equally relevant to your products or services. The rider here is that it must be unique otherwise you will lose the prospects! Yes, he/she doesn’t want to waste his/her time at your site when he/she could probably have elsewhere whatever you are offering or may be have it already. When it is relevant to your product or service then the prospects would know you actually, own the ace solution to his/her problem or needs that must be met. The prospects don’t know you from Adam and don’t know whether you are black or white, hence they would not be obliged to give you any preferential patronage because all they want to know is what they can get from you and it is only when you offer them unique and valuable freebie that they would be tempted to try out what you really have to offer them! You must do it in such a way that the freebie would give you further access to or contact the prospects.
This scenario reminds me of my just over a year daughter, when she has eaten and fully satisfied, she wouldn’t take whatever food you offer again, she would leave you to go and play. Imagine a child at that age to know that she already has whatever food you are offering her again at that time in her belly to the full. She moves away because whatever you are offering her at that time offers her no value, it is no longer appealing to her.
The same thing applies to your prospects when they already have what you are presently offering them. You get the gist? Fine! Let’s move ahead.

4. Ensure You Provide Valuable, Rich, Irresistible and Highly Informative web content To Your Prospects.
Once you have been able to sustain the prospects stay at your site through provision of the unique and valuable freebie, don’t attempt to just throw around sales page full of sales pitch on your site as content. Most of the visitors or prospects online are highly intelligent and would on impulse move away from anything that tends to reduce the amount on their credit card. An average surfer on the net hardly want to spend but when you give them valuable information as content on your site and you subtly guide them to click to your order page they would be parting with their money before they know it! And they would be glad they did this, because you have provided them with useful and valuable content that have now turn them to your customer and once they are satisfied they would come again and consequently become your life time customer. Your rich, valuable content has presell them for you far better than what sales page full of sales pitch would do. The content of your site would enable the prospect to establish in his/her mind if you are an expert in your field or not. He/she would know this through the content of your site, how you deal with the issues that were paramount on his/her mind; how you provide relevant and unique information about this. Your content must pierce through the heart of your prospect and guide to do the most important thing you ever want him/her to do. And in this case you definitely want him to order for your product.
One thing such content would do is to establish cordial and friendly relationship between you and the prospects; it offers him/her something to come back for. He is attracted and would soon become a lifetime customer.
And more than anything else, this would show the prospect that your primary objective is not sincerely help him/her and not to squeeze every penny out his/her purse.

5. Your Product Must Be Affordable.
Granted your product is not for every Tom, Dick and Harry and so it is not everybody that wants your product would be able to pay for it. But be that as it may, when you place a value far above what an average prospect of your product or service expects, bearing in mind the market price, then you will lose the prospect faster than you gain him, your freebie notwithstanding. No matter what level of benefit your product or service might offer the prospects if you make the price unaffordable to him, he would definitely not become your customer; he would go over to your competitors or look for another alternative.
Spy on your competitors and see the price they offer, then try and bring down your own price a little bit might be the turning key you need to attract the prospects and have them patronize you as life time customers. Affordable is not been cheap; the former connotes placing the interest of your customer above your own and ensure he could reasonably and conveniently pay for your product and services while the latter reveals that your product or services is of poor quality. In other words, you must know how to adequately and reasonably price your product or services.
If you don’t know how to do this, then you must find out how I am doing it here!
You must not rip off your customers; otherwise you won’t see them again. I can guarantee you that!
Remember information flies every where these days far above the speed of light! This makes it easier for your customer to find out if they have over-paid for your product or not. One unsatisfied customer would tell a thousand.

6. Alleviate Your Prospects Fears.
The chances of being duped or bought inferior products is far greater online than offline and the prospects have this fact at the back of them minds when visiting your site and this is the reason they could be sceptical unless they come to your site on the recommendation of one of your satisfied customer. To alleviate their fears that they are not on a scammer’s site, you must establish cordial relationship with them through your rich content and provision of unsolicited testimonies from satisfied customers that can vouch for the efficacy of your products or services. The genuineness of your business and your own impeccable integrity must be evident to the prospects.
If you are able to win the hearts of the prospects and they are satisfied with your services then you would be able to have them as life time customers

7. You Must Be Sincere And Modest In Your Claims And Presentations.
One main reason why most online marketers are not making sales is that they regard visitors to their sites as people of low intelligent or robots. Often time they insult the prospects intelligent and reasoning by making bogus claims and unrealistic promises of what their products or services could do. What happens? Prospects that are very realistic in their thinking flee the sites before one could blink his eyes. The result? Lost of prospects that could have become life time customers!

8. Make It Easier For The Prospects To Pay You Or Contact You.
This is very important otherwise you will be losing valuable prospects that could become life time customers. If the only mode of payment on your site is not accessible to the prospects, then you won’t be able to have his money and you will definitely lose his patronage. The truth is that, not every online prospect has access to credit cards and or pay pals and such like. A lot of prospects from the third world countries are still not able to do business online because they fall into this group – and they constitute yet to be or poorly tapped potential market. Imagine if you have several options that would allow this group that wants your product pay at your site. How could you offer reliable payment option to your prospects? I once ran into a similar problem at a site where I wanted to pay for a membership fee and click bank has blacklisted my country and I couldn’t pay with credit card or pay pal. It was an ugly and hopeless situation until Graphcard came to my rescue.

Graphcard is a leading online payment company that has the turning key for the e-commerce when it comes to online payment and shopping. It has devised reliable, efficient and convenient way of paying and or receiving payment for products and services to both merchants and online buyers alike thus overcoming the limitation posed by credit cards and such like. They offer prospects multiple ways of paying you.
How easily can the prospects or customers get in touch with you if need be? They might need your assistance, support or further information about your product or services. If they can reach you easily then they would be willing to patronize.

9. Your Product Or Services Must Over-deliver Its Perceived Value By The Prospects.
If you desire to turn your prospects to a life time customers then your product or services must over deliver far above the expectations of the customers. This is why it is good to be modest and not make bogus claims on your sales page. Let your product or service do the selling while you work on giving the customer value for his or her money.
What I am saying here is that if you are truly sincere to turn your prospects to life time customers, then you must ensure high level of customer satisfaction before, during and after the delivery of your products or services. You need to know if the customers actually benefits from your product or service. Why should you do this? Because your target is to have the customer as life time customer; and when you satisfied him once he would not leave you forever. A satisfied customer is a life time customer!
How do you handle complaints from the customers about your product or services? Do you leave them wallowing in the cold or do you promptly come to their assistance?
Let me give you an instance; before a friend referred me to the excellent services of Graphcard I already had problem with my precious online payment solution company over a service they rendered for me and upon several complaints e-mails I sent, they never replied me. You bet, they not only lost my future patronage but those I could have recommended to their services or products. Ever since, I have been telling practically everyone what they did to me and give them the name of the company on request.
The lesson here is Never! Never!! Never!!! Ignore the complaints of your customers, no matter what! It could bring down your business in a twinkle of an eye.
Initially, I was sceptical about Graphcard when it was recommended by a friend who incidentally knew about the fraudulent activities of the former company. But after I tried their services, I have come to trust and rely on them.
In essence, what I am saying is that you should make the trust and be able to rely on you.

10. Continuously Improve Your Products or service.
You must continuously research and improve the benefits that your product or services could offer your customers from time to time thereby generating back end profits.