Thursday, April 5, 2007

Swallowing The Bitter Pill Of Inaction!

It is ironical that I have at one time or the other in my articles say one or two things about taking actions that would generate the results we desired. Despite this, I recently swallowed the bitter pill of inaction. This has revealed to me the imperfection in us all as mortals. Often time, we desired or want one thing and despite the fact that it is ours for grabs we still fail to have it simply because we fail to do that which we are supposed to do. Just like Apostle Paul said: “that which I suppose to do I do not; and that which I ought not to do that I do”

On May 1st 2006, I attended a FREE SEMINAR on “4 steps to create a system that would guarantee money into your bank account even why you sleep”.
Expectedly, probably because it was free, many people attended. However the desire of financial freedom must have prompted many people to turn up at the venue of the seminar very early. People trooped in droves because they desired to change their fortune and probably enhance or rewrite their destiny!

However, it was not until almost a year later that many of us came to the realization that we had gone to the seminar to waste not just our time but the organizer’s. Why? WE TOOK LITTLE OR NO ACTION on what we were thought that day and thereby generated Zero result! How sad I was to discovered that I was one of the majority that took little or no action.

In actual fact, I did took action but my efforts in that respect were not concentrated enough to generate the result that was desired. Let’s just say I got distracted along the way. I lost focus and got immersed in the hectic and strenuous life out there.

The gravity of the loss my inaction caused me hit me hard like a sledge hammer when I read and saw the picture on the newspaper of one of the attendees, of the seminar that refused to be among the crowd by taking decisive action and thereby generated expected results, being presented with $500 just because he acted and proved the organizer of the seminar right! In addition to whatever amount of money he might have realized for implementing the program, he received a cool 500 dollar crispy note. What a reward for simply tasking action.

Then it dawn on me that those of us that failed to take action on what we learn at the seminar were simply selfish because we refused to offer the world the best that lies within us. Somebody somewhere is suffering, struggling and wallowing in pains, all kinds of pain, all because we failed to act and do that which we are supposed to do.

But thank God it is never too late because we are still alive, we can still go back to our notes – to the basics- and begin to do that which we are supposed to do and very soon we too, would beginning to enjoy the fruit and unending benefits of taking action and in a short while the taste of the bitter pill of inaction that has pervaded our being will be replaced by sweetness of winning brought about by acting and doing that which are necessary.

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